No! There is no need to remove paperclips, staples, clasps in folders or rubber bands.

Consoles are provided at no charge to you. Purges (bulk clean-outs) are typically charged by the box. Secure Console Service is typically charged by the console depending on the number and size of the consoles, as well as, the labor involved in collection.

Yes, upon completion Mohave Shred will issue you a “Certificate of Destruction”. However, a Certificate of Destruction does not transfer the responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of the materials to the contractor. If private information surfaces after the vendor accepts it, the court is bound to question the process by which the particular contractor was selected. Any company not showing due diligence in their selection of a contractor that is capable of providing the necessary security could be found negligent. Be smart. Be secure.

You should not discard any kitchen or bathroom trash, medical paraphernalia or hardback books.

You may put in all types of office paper, sticky notes, index cards, computer binders, entire files (with clasps), and carbon/NCR forms.

Yes, we can provide you with locking bins.

Obsolete tax/bank records, marketing/sales strategies, customer lists, price lists, sales statistics, bid proposals, correspondence, memos, meeting minutes, contracts, inventory lists, tax records, outdated business records, personnel files, cancelled or blank checks, old love letters, medical files, misprinted materials, and internal restructuring plans, or any confidential trash that may interest a competitor, a hacker, an identity thief or a conspiring employee. Business espionage professionals consider this type of confidential trash to be the single most available source of competitive and private information from the average business.

YES. Our shredded paper is taken to a recycling plant. Each ton of recycled office-grade paper saves 12 trees. Paper that is not recycled makes up nearly 45 percent of landfill waste.

SECURITY! By allowing a company or individual to leave your site with confidential documents in whole form, you relinquish all control over those documents. However, you are still legally responsible for your information. Off-site companies are generally less expensive because they are able to net more profit from your scrap paper. To manage its records properly, a company must ensure that its outdated and confidential documents are securely disposed. Government, business and industry are adopting secure document destruction practices to avoid potentially damaging situations. Many organizations no longer want to lose control of private and often sensitive documents to waste haulers, recyclers, or off-site shredding companies. The bottom line is security, let Mohave Shred provide you with secure, on-site document destruction.

Mohave Shred saves time, manpower and money. Mobile document destruction eliminates the noise, dust, cost, and inconvenience of in-house shredders. And, because most employees intensely dislike shredding, they postpone the task, thereby jeopardizing in-house security procedures for document destruction.

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